CUIDADO: WARNING: This essay features a wanna be monster, and as such the info swirling around him is ugly. The Links are always there for context around the ideas presented. but this time if you are of sensitive constitution, Maybe just take my word for it that this guy is a tool. Thank you XOXO
There are so many things that I want to write about, but this guy needs to be pinned down pretty early. I want to establish Michael Aquino as a precedent for the United States and for the American people. This is not an amero-centic feed, I am merely trying to connect some unsettling dots. There will be more.
There is a LOT to cover about this weirdo, but we are just going to hit the high notes here. If you wish to delve deeper into the cesspool that is Aquino you will find that he just gets worse and it goes DEEP.
For our purposes though, Lets establish who Aquino became in the visible world.
Dr. Michael Aquino ultimately rose to the rank of Lt Colonel with the US army where he took up psychological warfare and manipulation tactics as his specialty ,co writing the manual for manipulation from Psy-op to Mind War.
Aquino slithered into the military as an information officer in 68 During the Viet Nam shenanigans he participated in the disturbing Phoenix Program where intel was squeezed from targets like toothpaste tubes. During this time, he supposedly started thinking about Satanism, and began regular communication with then leader of the satanic church Anton La Vey. This led Aquino into the Satanic priesthood where he decided the Satanists were posers and he wanted the real juice. After some “spiritual” experiences where he claims he meets the actual Satan, Aquino and his fucking eyebrows found the Temple of Set. Set being the Egyptian equivalent of Satan.
( There is a ton of ugliness that we are blowing over here that I’m not going to touch.)
It is not even Aquino that I want to highlight. He was a creep supreme, but its his patterns that we need to watch for. He wasn’t the ONE guy in the room doing creepy shit. This is military grade weirdness we are dealing with here, and the US government endorses it to one degree or another .
There is a level of influence in our world that DEAL$ in pain and suffering, and to influence their way you need to have blood on your hands, and Aquino has probably more than most.
What is important to take away from this is two fold. 1 Aquino was a douche bag. and 2 He was not alone in his shenanigans. His didn’t rise to the height of his field without support. This dude had above top secret clearance.
Anyhow pay attention. This is the norm, not the extreme.